Monday, January 29, 2007

Tips google Adsense untuk para blogger yang mengunakan layanan ini .

Tips Google Adsense

Tips pertama :
Format Ads

Pilih format yang sesuai . Anda boleh pilih banner , skysrappers , squares , link dan sebagainya . Anda boleh meletakkan adsense lebih dari 3 iklan dalm 1 page/halaman tetapi saran saya jangan terlalu banyak karena jika tidak ada yang klik juga percuma , ya kan ?

Tips kedua :
Pastikan ads tidak seperti kelihatan ads

Maksud saya orang mencari informasi di internet bukan untuk mengklik iklan ads . Jadi kesimpulannya biarkan bentuk ads secara by : default .

Tips ketiga :
Gunakan task ads dan search for content

Rata – rata orang mengunakan kedua ini mereka sangat jarang menggunakan banner . Lihat saja anda sendiri anda pasti jarangkan mengklik banner , ebnar gak hehe ….

Tips keempat :
Cara menaruh ads

Cara menaruh ads itu sangat penting didalam blog anda , jangan menaruh ads yang tidak terlihat orang , karena nantinya anda sendiri yang akan rugi .

Tips kelima :
Jangan pakai border

Seperti tips no.2 biarkan ads secara default .

Tips keenam :

Warna task pastikan warna task ads anda sama seperti warna tulisan blog anda .

Tips ketujuh :
Kurangi ads

Jangan terlalu banyak menaruh ads diblog anda karena kalau anda menaruh terlalu banyak juga percuma karena nilai iklan ads yang keluar ada yang bernilai rendah .

Tips kedelapan :
Anda boleh selang selingkan ads .

Tips kesembilan :
Sertakan google search box

Strategi ini adalah misalnya ada orang yang mencari informasi diblog anda dan mereka masih belum puas dengan informasinya sedangkan informasi yang mereka cari tidak ada diblog anda , Pertannyaan saya apa yang akan mereka lakukan ? Pasti mereka menggunakan google search untuk mengetahui lebih dalam . Saya beri contoh : “ Can’t Find what you’re looking for ? Try google search . Atau masih belum puas mencari informasi silah kan gunakan google search ? Dorong orang agar mengunakan google search itu ?

Tips kesepuluh :
Jangan menggunakan keyword spam .

Misalnya anda mencari informasi di search engine tentang buku . kemudian ada link mengenai buku , begitu anda buka link tersebut tau – tau link tersebut tentang film ? Kesal tidak anda , pasti anda kesal saya saja kesal karena orang merasa dibohongi ?

Tips kesebelas :
keyword anda

Pastikan keyword anda bernilai tinggi atau biasa disebut High Paying keyword , untuk lebih jelasnya cari informasi di google dan pelajari sedikit demi sedikit .

Tips keduabelas :
Gunakan channel

Untuk yang 1 ini kalau anda di terima google team ada harus log in dulu di google adsense .

Tips ketigabelas :

Bagian ini sangatlah penting , darimana orang melihat blog anda kalau bukan promosi , betul gak hehehe…. Saran saya promosi di forum , komunitas blog dunia , dan tukar link sesama pemain google ads atau para blogger mania dll .

Tips telakhir :

Belajar , Belajar – belajar dan belajar itu yang paling penting . Kalau anda tidak mau belajar dari kesalahan anda akan menjadi orang yang rugi boleh dikatan sudah pelit earning bisanya Cuma ngeritik orang . Kesihan dech lo….

Sukses ya
Anda pasti bisa .

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Online Advertising in a Nutshell

The Internet is becoming very important part in our lives, especially in business. Successful business can’t be imagined without Internet presence. Many companies have their own corporate web sites and email newsletters but it is not enough. Online advertising is the next logical part of every integrated marketing campaign in order to spread the word about your company.Online advertising is much more different than in early Internet days, back in 1995. At the beginning of online advertising age the most used banner formats were 468x60 pixels, 120x60 pixels and 88x31 pixels. Several years ago new ad formats appeared like so called skyscraper ads. We recommend you to visit Internet Advertising Bureau to see universal ad Online advertising spending grows exponentially. According to a research made by eMarketer, in 2005. advertising spending in USA will be more than $10 billion dollars for the first time. They predict that it will reach $12.9 billion dollars! This is really great especially if we know that in 2002. advertising was $6 billion dollars. Three years is not so long time, but when it comes to the Internet it is.There are many sites that have some ads. Usually they are smaller or larger animated images called banners. Online advertising is so oversaturated that many studies show that people developed ability to screen out ads. The first banner was published on HotWired web site in 1994. It is a famous banner with text: “Have you ever clicked your mouse right HERE? YOU WILL!>At the beginning banners had decent click-thru rates, sometimes even 10%. Today, usually CTR is between 0.1-0.3% even lower because of banner saturation.Marketers needed new online advertising models so they started making ads using Flash. Using Flash technology, marketers are able to make interactive ads that look like mini home pages and in most cases those ads have much better CTR. Ads made in Flash can be seen on many popular portals like Yahoo! and MSN.Today, the best results show email advertising and contextual advertising. Email advertising is great if your ad appears in double opt-in email newsletters with targeted subscribers. Good ad campaigns can get 5-10% CTR in email newsletters, even higher in some cases.Google made a revolution in online advertising introducing the contextual advertising models in their services AdWords and AdSense. AdWords is based on a model that advertisers can choose desired keywords so every time someone makes a search on Google with their selected keyword their ad will appear on Google side bar or on the top of search results. This is good because many people don’t see them like advertising, they see them as search results, and therefore, CTR is higher. It is Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising so that advertiser only pays when someone clicked on their ad. AdSense, on the other hand, allows publishers that they ads appear like texts only on relevant web sites that have similar target audience like their business. Google AdSense is great for web site owners, too, because they can monetize their web site traffic. Recently, it became possible to have Google ads in RSS. This is very useful for bloggers.Another good choice for PPC advertising is using services like Overture and AdBrite. Overture allows keyword bidding and many popular sites like Yahoo! and MSN use Overture service for their sponsored search results. AdBrite allows you to choose web sites on which you want to advertise.We have listed several useful free services that will help you in making your next successful PPC campaign.Google AdWords Keyword Tool When you start with online advertising you have to be able to give answers on several questions.1) What do you want to achieve?If you don’t want where you are going, you will never get there. You have to know what you want to achieve with your online advertising campaign. It is like when you make projections in your business plan. You will have to make your Internet marketing plan. Your goals can be to get 100 clients, 2000 subscribers to your email newsletter or anything else. Just be specific and clearly define your goals in order to achieve them.2) Where to advertise?This is the next logical step. Depending on what your goals are you will choose your target sites. Do you want to use online advertising for your branding? Then the good use can be larger banner campaign on popular ad networks. It is most likely that you won’t have some great CTR but many people will see your ad and it is cost-effective. If you want better response rate, good thing is to advertise in email newsletters. If you want to get clients with minimum risk you should use PPC advertising on search engines or affiliate programs based on pay-per-sale. You won’t choose same places to advertise if you want to reach newbies and decision makers. You have to know what you sell and to whom. Market segmentation is essential.You have to choose quality and visited web sites. We have listed several useful free services that can help you to determine site popularity.Google Page Rank Prediction 4) Words sell You have to choose good message for your ads. To clearly define your offer and to call on action. Don’t forget to include words like “Click here”, “Register Now!”, and “Free Report”, to offer contests for popular gadgets like iPod. Good thing is to include interesting questions in your ads, questions that start with “How To…” messages that start with numbers like “7 Email Marketing Best Practices”…Although, some people can tell you that pop-ups can bring you many new subscribers, we recommend you not to use pop-ups. Different studies show that people don’t like this technique. Don’t make your banner images bulky, it will have a slow loading time. Not everyone use broadband. Optimize them to have good loading time. Some people make their banners look like Windows dialogue boxes or place a combo box image on their banners in order to mislead their visitors and to have better CTR. Don’t use that technique.Dejan Bizinger is a Contributing Editor for Infacta. Infacta is email messaging services company providing powerful, yet easy-to-use award-winning Group Mail, software for sending highly-personalized email messages and Group Metrics, software for email tracking.

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Daftar Adbrite

Woww... Earning gw bertambah banget di adbrite , ternyata lebih gampang main adbrite ketimbang adsense hehehe ... Buruan dech daftar saya tidak main - main nich . Anda sendiri nanti yang merasakan , tips dari saya kalau mau request cek dari adbrite sebaiknya pasang $ 200 saja minimumnya baru nanti di setting lagi sesuka anda . Selamat mencoba ya , salam sukses para blog .

daftar di sini

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

video adbrite

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Blog Optimization

In previous parts of this series, I showed how using Google Adsense and other merchants’ affiliate programs will generate profits from your blog. However, there are even more options to monetize your blog. Here are a few to consider.

For example, on your technological gadget blog, Chitika will show advertisements for tech gadgets such as iPods. They show them in different tabs: one for “Best Deals”, another for “Details”, another for “Reviews” and so on. This way, it is more of an informational section for your visitor rather than a blatant advertisement, and naturally the click-through will be higher. You can apply at

If your blog/website has been around for a while and has a decent amount of traffic, you can also be an affiliate for Amazon offers a wide range of products but its predominant niche is in physical books. And, like Adsense, you can select Ad blocks that display products that fit your blog perfectly. Whatever your niche is about, you can probably find a book about it on in mind though, they do NOT pay big bucks. You can refer visitors to them and earn up to 10% commission. It’s not a lot of money but, if you can manage to refer big volumes of visitors, Amazon is for you.

You need to read their Terms of Service.This program really shines when it comes to the ways you can refer visitors:You can use their predefined templates to pull up recent items that match a certain criteria you set.You can target your ad to show a specific item on sale.You can just simply weave your referral links into your blog posts.Every dime helps so join their Associate program if you are into selling hard and soft cover books.Last, but definitely not least, you can sell advertising space on your blog if your blog is truly popular. Just take a look at blogs like:

That blog receives over 10,000 page views every day and naturally merchants make deals with the blog owner to post their advertisements there. If you manage to pull in huge amounts of traffic like that blog, you can definitely get people to buy ad space on your blog for prices from $150/month upwards, depending on your blog popularity.To gauge how many page views and visitors you get everyday, just use the free tool I use. Get it at Their setup guide is very detailed so I cannot go into it here.If your blog has not acquired a large amount of visitors yet, you can still sell ad space on your blog on a per click or per impression basis.

Visit and for a complete list of these sites, visit is just one in a 6 part series that should help you drive readers to your blog and maximize earnings and profits from your blog! Yes, it is possible to quit your day job through blogging. All that stands between you and freedom is working smarter, and sometimes harder, towards your goal. It is a balance.

Eventually, after you have worked harder, you will be able to work smarter.I edit 15 blogs. It took 6 months of learning and working harder before I was able to work smarter and begin making extra income.I did not jump on every offer and I rejected those marketers who claimed I could make overnight riches with no work on my part. In fact, I have spent less than $100.00 so far!

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Puisi Cinta

Foto ini saya bersama kekasih tercintaku
( yang lain ngontrak hehehe … )

Dia menyumbangkan puisi cinta buat blog ini , rencananya dia ingin membuat blog cinta di tunggu saja ya .

Aku merasa ,,, di tengah keramaian aku sendiri
Gundahku , penatku terasa menjejali kepalaku ,,
Sedikit saja ! aku ingin mengeluh
Aku ingin menangis hingga air mataku habis ,,
Aku ingin melakukan semua yang kau larang
Aku ingin menentangmu !!!
Aku merasa ,,,
Berada di samping orang yang
kita sayang bukan segalanya ,,,
Kecuali dia mengerti ,,,
Tentang menghargai dan mengasihi ,,,
Cinta terlalu berkuasa untuk mewakili semuanya ,,,
Aku merasa sendiri saat memilikimu !?!

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Five Fabulous Ways To Monetize Your Blog

You’ve heard about the blog and ping strategy to drive traffic to your main website, right? It is for this reason that blogs have taken a level of prominence in the online marketing world as powerful tools – nay – weapons that can help any internet marketer succeed in this industry.

Blogs, by their very nature, are the easiest, most accessible content management systems in the World Wide Web. And because they are easy to update, search engine spiders love them! Just run a search of any topic in any search engine and you’ll be greeted by blogs occupying the prime spots in the results pages.

Blogs also have a connectivity feature that is unparalleled in cyberspace. Other blog owners will link to you, even if you never invited them. Also, submit your blog to a blog directory and more people will link to your blog as well.

Blog entries can also be converted into RSS feeds automatically. This means the content syndication is made easier if you’re using your blog to launch your content.

But blogs are not just an internet marketer’s weapon to make his business prosper.

Blogs can also be monetized. They can become an income stream on their own, and an affective one at that. Given the traffic and the page rank that blogs command, it will be easy to imagine the earning potentials of these wonderful creations once they are optimized well for monetization purposes.

Here are 5 fabulous ways by which you can DIRECTLY earn from your blog.

1. Use your blog in lieu of your sales page. You can actually pre-sell, or even directly sell, your products through the entries in your blog. This can be in the form of an announcement, or even a positive review or a strong recommendation. Since people are expected to flock on your blog, might as well create a channel by which you can instantly convert those visitors into paying customers.

2. Don’t have your own products to sell? No problem. Sign up with any affiliate program over at ,, or and you will be given an appropriate affiliate link. You can promote this affiliate link through your blog entries and you can earn some generous commission for every sale you will manage to refer. Best of all, you can join as many affiliate programs as you’d like. You’re not limited to just one program. Each affiliate program you will join will provide an income stream for your web log.

3. Integrate a PPC program to your blog. Enroll with AdSense or any other ad hosting services. You will get paid every time a visitor of yours will click on the ads that the service will display on your blog. And since you’re sure to generate a large volume of traffic for your blog, you’ll be able to win a lot of clicks and a lot of dollars to boot.

4. Find sponsors. If you want a surefire income, build the reputation of your blog by regularly posting quality entries. Once you have achieved at least 50,000 unique visitors per month, and a page rank of at least 4 (quite easy by today’s standards), you can sell valuable real estate in your blog to some willing sponsors. An easy way of sourcing out some sponsors is by advertising in and displaying your blog’s relevant stats.

5. Once you have achieved the reputation mentioned above, you can also sell links to other webmasters. Since your number of unique visitors will be high and your page rank will be desirable, your blog will be an important commodity for webmasters who are looking for quality links.

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Monetizing your website with AdBrite

If you are looking to monetize on your site and would like to have control over what kind of ads would appear on your website, AdBrite may be the right solutions for you.
The first thing that sets AdBrite apart is the fact that you have an absolute control on what kind of ads will appear on your website. Unless you choose to opt-in and show so called network ads. But if and advertiser wants to purchase a space on your website, you have an option to approve or disapprove the ad. And this is what makes AdBrite ads such a great tool. It opens the door to build a potentially long lasting business relationships with your advertisers. Any good businessman will tell you that return clients are crucial to build a successful business.
You may have heard that in order to make money with advertisement on your website you need at least 1000 daily visitors to your website. This is not necessarily true. Some people make money with lower number of visitors.
Many people think that in order to make money with AdBrite or other advertisements, all that is required is to place few banners or ads on your site and money will begin to roll in. If you have this kind of attitude, most likely you will be disappointed when you discover that after few months you have made no more than $10. As with any advertisement you need to be proactive and look for your your advertisers everywhere you can. Don not expect them to show up and start advertising on your website simply because it exists. If you can contact at least 10 potential advertisers daily, in the very short period of time you may be able to earn good money with AdBrite.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Blog terkenal

Agar blog anda cepat dikenal di google , ternyata bukan harus banyak pengunjung but pagerank anda juga harus ada PR itu antara 1 -10 rata2 page rank blognya orang indonesia sudah mencapai 5 saja , itu saja sudah termasuk kategori tinggi bgt . So kalau mau blog anda cepat dikenal sebaiknya perbanyak tukaran link .

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Blog mencerminkan si penulis

setiap blog yg kita temui pst bermacam-macam gaya tampilannya , itu mencerminkan jelas dari pemilik blog tersebut contoh ada yang blognya komplit ada yang gak jelas ada yg ogah2han . Macem2 dech but tetep blog yang paling simple adalah blog yang memiliki adsnya karena blog tersebut lebih hidup saja menurut saya , kalau menurut anda bagaimana ( pembaca blog ini ) .

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Benarkah menghasilkan

Benarkah bisnis internet menghasilkan , ada teman saya menanyakan bisakah bisnis di internet menghasilkan uang dlm sekejap saya bisa kalau tau caranya but setau saya orang kaya mendadak adalah para penjahat internet , mereka do something not human like : membobol dan membobol semuanya salah 1 diantaranya membobol egold

informasi Penting

E-Gold hacking memang sungguh - sungguh bisa dilakukan. Ada yang melalui jalur script seperti :
- SSL System (basis CSS)
- PHP untuk masuk database ASP
script ini biasa digunakan pada bahasa pemograman, sehingga bisa dibuat hacking software
dan ada juga yang menggunakan software, beberapa di antaranya yang memang sungguh - sungguh bekerja :
- Apache v4.1 dan Apache v4.0 (basis VB.Net)(paling sering digunakan karena prosesnya)
- Gold tressor (ASP)
- E - Thief (Belum diketahui)
- E - Hunter (VB.Net dan ASP)harganya cukup mahal ($1250) dikembangkan oleh Softmolea Coorporation

Berkeinginan menjadi Hacker?
Ingin membeli software atau scriptnya?

Berikut adalah online shopnya :
-E - Thief dan Goldtressor (http:// atau
- Apache v4.1 (
- E - Hunter (contact :

Jangan pernah membeli hacking tools yang penjualannya menawarkan pembayarannya di forum - forum
Mereka adalah scammer

Memang untuk membeli hacking tools itu sangat mahal
Namun, timbal balik penggunaan tools tersebut bisa kembali dengan cepat setelah anda membelinya .

Pertanyaan dari saya anda mau makan hasil uang haram .
Ngapain makan uang haram kalau masih ada yang halal hehehe .
mau yg halal klik saja banner di bawah .

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Friday, January 19, 2007

Bersahabat dan pengertian abis

Halo para blogger mania bagi yang blognya sudah terpasang ads by google kita berpatner mau gak . Tenang saja saya sudah paham betul apa itu arti publisher ads by google . So request saja sama saya , tenang saja saya ngerti kok . Asalkan anda sepaham sama saya . Absoluty jujur ya saya tidak terlalu mengharap bgt apa yang namanya earning itu but butuh juga sich hehehe gak munafik juga yang penting blog saya bisa terpasang ads by apalah itu sudah membuat saya gmn gitu . Pengalaman pribadi saya di terima adsense itu cuma butuh 4 hari lewat blogger ini hehehe apalagi adbrite cuma butuh 1 hari hehehe bukanya sombong sich but seru aja bagi saya . O ya bagi para blogger mania sekali lagi sama saya jangan 2 malu - malu ya soalnya kalo malu nanti malu - maluin lho hehehe . Per - peran saja sama saya . Kalo minta di klik Ngomong saja . SSsttt hanya anda dan saya saja lho yang tau . Ada teman saya yang penghasilanya sudah $ 3000 dari google mengatakan cara seperti ini adalah cara yang bodoh mau cepat kaya but konyol . Jujur ya saya bukanya mau cepat kaya lewat adsense but saya juga sudah dapat penghasilan rutin lewat bisnis saya yang lain hehehe . Terima kasih ya sesudahnya . Salam Blogger mania .

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Thursday, January 18, 2007


Mau coba berkenalan dengan orang luar negeri gak ? lebih seru And cool banget nich websitenya penasaran clik aja tuch biar tau apa fungsinya ?

Maps I'm on:


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Benar gak sih bisnis di internet itu menghasilkan , ya , ya saya menjawab 100% ya . Ada yang benar ada juga yang bohong . Kebetulan saya pribadi suka yang gratisan asalkan konsisten . Lebih seru lagi para marketer internet indonesia tidak tau kenapa setiap mereka menawarkan suatu bisnis internet begitu tergodanya saya , but saya itu tidak pernah menyalahkan orang bahwa bisnis yang mereka tawarkan bohong . Kembali lagi ke diri masing - masing . Tips dari saya sebelum terjun ke bisnis baru simak dahulu lebih jauh dan pahami betul apalagi anda harus mengeluarkan kocek . Tapi ingat masih ada yang gratisan yang benar - benar menghasilkan .

Buy & Sell Ads
Adbrite is the internet ad marketplace

Your Ad Here

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Monday, January 15, 2007


Tujuan saya mebuat blog ini , saya hanya ingin mencari teman dunia maya saja , alias pengunjung setia . Tidak keberatankan Anda untuk membaca blog saya . Sayapun begitu saya akan membaca balik blog anda , kalau anda mampir ke blog saya . Makanya kenapa kenapa saya menyarankan anda untuk memasang ads by apalah ntah itu adsense atau adbrite , tujuannya Cuma 1 bagi saya bukan karena uangnya , but agar blog anda cepat dikenal oleh mesin pencari seperti google . O ya Btw bagi para pemula bukan maksud saya merendahkan anda lho , maksud saya begini . Saya akan menjelaskan sedikit dari mana , kok bisa sich kita diberi cek dari adbrite atau dari google . Begini saya ambil contoh adbrite dulu ya . Situs adbrite adalah situs yang sudah dikenal di dunia ini misalnya ada pengunjung yang ingin mengunakan jasa adbrite mereka harus membeli atau biasa disebut advertise , seperti iklan disebelah blog saya dan di bawah blog saya . Nah sedangkan saya saya bukan membeli “Advertise” ( Kalau membeli otomatiskan mengeluarkan uang ) . Saya mengunakan jasa yang biasa disebut “Publisher”. Nah dari mana kita mendapatkan uang simple jawabannya , kalau anda mengklik iklan yang ada diselah kanan saya dan di bawah saya , saya akan mendapatkan uang dari adbrite , karena yang namanya Publisher itu adalah membantu para advertise agar situsnya cepat terkenal . Istilahnya iklan yang ada disebelah saya itu adalah situs para advertise , begitu bro . Simplekan begitupun juga Google . Nah semua bisnis seperti adbrite dan google patut dicoba gak ada salahnyakan . Yah boleh dikatakan daripada buang2 uang ke warnet mwndingan sambil menyelam minum air betul gak . O ya yang telakhir anda tau situs friendster yang membiayai siapa ? Yuppsss anda benar situs friendster yang membiayai adalah Google dan adbrite . jadi kalau anda mengklik iklan di dalam situs friendster yang ada tulisan ads by google atau adbrite maka otomatis situs friendster dapat uang dari ke 2 situs tersebut , Pertanyaan saya apakah anda mau seperti itu . Kalau anda mau klik saja banner dibawah anda akan diberi tau bagaimana cara mendaftar di adbrite .

Buy & Sell Ads
Adbrite is the internet ad marketplace

Your Ad Here

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Terlalu banyak advertising

Terlalu banyak advertising juga gak bagus kalau 1 blog penuh dengan berbagai macam ads , itu membuat blog kita terlalu susah untuk dibuka oleh pengunjung . Tips dari saya sebaiknya kalau ingin banyak menaruh ads dibuat terpisah . Kadang kala kalau saya melihat blog yang terlalu penuh ads membuat saya enggan membaca , karena si pemilik blog tersebut seakan akan terlalu apa ya istilahnya , orang betawi biasa bilang maruk kali ya hehehe... Tips dari saya sebaiknya kalau menaruh ads cukup 2 saja seperti : Google adsense dan Adbrite .

Buy & Sell Ads
Adbrite is the internet marketplace

Your Ad Here

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Kenapa sich rata - rata orang indonesia males bisnis internet : mungkin karena takut , gak punya uang atau maleslah . Terkadang saya suka kasihan dech ada peluang usaha but tidak mau mengambilnya padahal bisnis internet itu bisnis yang luar biasa , kalau anda tau caranya bisnis internet itu tidak ada modal , bahkan modalnnya Rp 0,00 . Kalau anda tau caranya . Kenapa saya suka bisnis internet , saya bukan suka uangnnya but saya suka ilmunya . Lihat salah satu foto saya ketika berbisnis internet atau belajar di depan lomputer .

Serukan sambil merokok atau apalah itulah salah satu foto saya . Anda ingin seperti saya klik banner di bawah ini .

Buy & Sell Ads
Adbrite is the internet Marketplace

Your Ad Here

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Tips For Making Money Selling Text Links With AdBrite

I’ve recently become impressed with the potential for making money from a website by selling text link ads. During May I generated over $250 USD from selling text links on my blogs just from the brokerage service provided by It’s not a huge amount of money but it’s cash I didn’t have before. If you are aiming to become a full time blogger then any extra sources of income helps, so you may want to try selling text links yourself.

AdBriteJohn Webster from AdBrite Guide contacted me about his new website aimed at helping publishers and advertisers maximize their return from another text link broker, AdBrite offers a similar service to, brokering deals between website publishers and advertisers. As a blog publisher this means you can leave the selling of your advertising inventory to companies like AdBrite while you just work on making the best blog you can. All you have to do is add your site to their system, place some code on your site, then watch the money roll in (theoritically at least!).

Of course factors such as how much traffic you have, what industry your site is in, your site’s PageRank (What is PageRank?) and where you place the add code will determine how much you make, but as I said, anything is better than nothing, so it’s worth a try.

John kindly offered a list of tips for me to publish to help you get the most out of AdBrite as a publisher and an advertiser. I’m posting the tips for AdBrite publishers (those wanting to make money from text links) here. The AdBrite advertiser tips (those wanting to generate traffic from buying links) are posted on my other blog, Small Business Branding.

Tips To Maximize Your AdBrite Income

  1. Never start your pricing too high. It is better to error on the low side and get advertisers hooked, because then they will be willing to pay higher prices for your inventory when the pricing increases.
  2. Make sure your placement is worth buying, the popular sellers in the marketplace tend to be sites with the most premium inventory.
  3. Spend some time tagging your site and giving proper demographic information.
  4. In your site description provide ideas of advertisers that you think might convert well. You know your audience best.
  5. AdBrite is more successful if you sell a FEW premium placements as opposed to just MANY backfill placements.
  6. Hard code all placements because of the concreteness of “your ad here”. Putting AdBrite in rotation doesn’t perform as well.
  7. Allow a ramping period. AdBrite is a tool to help sell your own inventory, and think of it as a virtual salesperson for you. Any salesperson needs some time to gain traction. Just like an auction, the beginning price is never the final price.
  8. Entice advertisers with specials. You have full control to set pricing so make occasional specials to entice advertisers.
  9. Enable AdBrite’s auto pricing which will raise automatically as inventory sells, and lower itself as vacant inventory sits unsold.

You can find more AdBrite publishers tips and AdBrite advertisers tips at

sumber : Yaroo Starak

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Blog tanpa ads gak banget

Bagi yang blog trafficnya tinggi sayang banget kan kalou gak dipasangin advertising alias publisher . Tidak ada salahnya mencoba karena hasilnya anda sendiri yang menikmatinya nanti . Penasaran apa itu publisher klik saja banner di bawah ini .

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sebenarnya merek - merek publisher seperti ini ada banyak salah satunya yang terkenal seperti "Google Adsense" , "Yahoo Network Publisher" , dll . Saya lebih tertarik dengan adbrite karena lebih simple saja kemudian mengenai cek nya kita bisa request lho alias bebas . Adbrite bukan mlm , bukan skema cepat kaya , atau apalah ... daripada penasaran klik banner dibawah anda akan diberitahu bagaimana cara mendaftar adbrite .

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cek dari adbrite

Cek dari adbrite seperti ini

anda ingin dapat cek dari adbrite kalau anda ingin dan tidak ingin menunda klik banner di bawah ini , semua gratis asalkan anda bisa buat blog saja itu sudah cukup .

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

artikel adbrite

Saya akan tunjukan bagaimana anda boleh mencari pendapatan dengan berkerja 5 menit sehari !

Saya akan tunjukan bagaimana penganguran boleh mencari pendapatan dengan hanya duduk di rumah saja .

Saya akan tunjukan bagaimana anda boleh mencari pendapatan tambahan bagi ibu rumah tangga .

Saya akan tunjukkan bagaimana pelajar IPTA / IPTS boleh mencari pendapatan sambil mengunakan internet selagi tugas kuliah .

Saya akan memberi panduan secara menyeluruh kepada semua yang memerlukan panduan.

Dan siapa saja ...

ingin mendapat uang tambahan
klik banner di bawah ini...

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